Fire Extinguishers

Safety is the No. 1 priority during a fire. Flames and smoke can spread very quickly, sending a small fire out of control in seconds. While a portable fire extinguisher can be of use during a small, contained fire that is caught in its initial stages, they do have limitations.

Remember the following safety tips. Only use a portable fire extinguisher when:

  • The fire is confined to a small area, such as a wastebasket or stove pan.
  • It is not growing in size.
  • Everyone has exited the home.
  • The Fire Department has been called or is being called.
  • The room is NOT filled with smoke. If the room does fill with smoke, leave immediately.
  • Keep your back to a clear exit when using an extinguisher so you can make an easy escape.

To operate a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS:

  • Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.
  • Aim low. Point the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
  • Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side at the base of the fire.

Select a multi-purpose fire extinguisher that is large enough to put out a small fire, but is also not too heavy to lift. Read the directions that come with the fire extinguisher and become familiar with its parts and operation before a fire breaks out. Have a home fire escape plan in place and functioning smoke alarms.