Juvenile Firesetters

Why children set fires?

The consequences of juvenile firesetting can be tragic and costly. In a typical year, fires set by children and youth claim the lives of approximately 300 people and destroy more than $300 million worth of property. Children are the predominant victims of these fires, accounting for 85 of every 100 lives lost ( U.S. Fire Administration). Most experts agree that the best way to understand firesetting behavior is to look at where and why children set fires. They believe that there are two basic types of children who start fires.

Curiosity Firesetters:

Curiosity Firesetters are typically 2-7 year olds whose fascination with fire leads them to "play" with it to find out how it feels, how it burns, and what it does. They do not understand fire's destructive potential.

Although curiosity is a normal part of children's growth and development, parents and other adults who discover that a child is playing with fire shoudl take is very seriously.

Problem Firesetters:

Problem Firesetters can also be very young, but generally are between 5-17 years old. In contrast to the Curiosity Firesetter, these youngsters light fires because of emotional or mental disturbances ranging from mild to severe. A crisis in the child's life, such as moving to a new area, a divorce or deathe could trigger firesetting behavior. Or, a more serious disturbance could be the cause. Chronic behaviors such as a poor relationship with other children, cruelty to animals and extreme mood changes are a few of the traits that data on juvenile firesetters has revealed.


Teach Your Child About Fire

  • Fire is a tool we use to heat our homes or cook our food.
  • It is not a toy.
  • Fire is dangerous...it can kill.
  • All fires, even small ones, can spread quickly.
  • Even adults must follow special safety rules for fire.

Control Your Child's Access to Fire

  • Keep all matches and lighters out of reach of children.
  • Never allow anyone to use lighters or matches in an unsafe manner in your home.
  • Never leave stove or candle fires unattended.
  • Teach children to show you any unattended matches or lighters they find. 

The number of fires set by children is growing. It is a problem that needs the attention of parents, teachers, counselors and community leaders, in cooperation with Fire and Police officers.

If you would like to discuss any of these behaviors, please do not hesitate to contact the Mattapoisett Fire Department and we will be happy to assist you.