Trash / Recycling

What you should know before you put trash/recycles curbside in Mattapoisett.

Remember !...All bins need to be out to the street by 7am on your scheduled day.

memorialWeek Trash24

Transfer Station Phone Number: 508-758-4355








Not sure if it's recyclable?... Try RECYCLOPEDIA...just click !

Watch a Short ORCTV Video with Todd and 6yr old Teddy on recycling/trash products

Here is the Townwide Pick-up Days Schedule for all Streets

All questions on trash pick-up, disposing and recycling should be directed to the Mattapoisett Board of Health and not the Mattapoisett Highway Department.

Trash Info: ABC Disposal: (508) 999-2619 or Mattapoisett Board of Health 508-758-4100 ext.7



fulltrashbiniconleftytrashbinRemember 7:00 am ! *

* The time residents are asked to have put trash and recycling items

curbside on the day of their weekly trash pick-up...
